

1. Policy Objective

This policy sets out Ropes that Rescue’ commitment to ensure that any individual who provides information to Ropes that Rescue is protected according to the requirements of the Privacy Amendment Act (Private Sector) 2000.


2. Scope

This policy applies to all Ropes that Rescue employees in Australia.  Provisions outlined in Awards, Agreements or other local legislation should be read in conjunction with this policy.

This policy also extends to current and former contractors, applicants for employment or contractor positions and referees for applicants.


3. Policy Statement

Ropes that Rescue recognises the importance of protecting personal information, which it may be required to collect from individuals who become associated with its business.  Ropes that Rescue is committed to taking all reasonable steps in order to comply with the Privacy Act and to protect the privacy of personal information that it holds.

Personal information will only be used for purposes set out in this policy unless Ropes that Rescue is required by law to disclose specific information about an individual.


4. Definitions

“Personal information” means information relating to an individual, including an opinion, which may by provided to Ropes that Rescue,  either in material form or not, and whether true or not.  Such information may personally identify an individual or make the person’s identity reasonably apparent.

“Sensitive information” means information or an opinion about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual practices, criminal record or health information.


5. Process


5.1 Collection and Use of Information

Ropes that Rescue may require the collection of personal information from individuals for the purposes of:

• in the case of an applicant or referee for an applicant,  receiving and assessing an applicant’s application for employment or contractor position;

• in the case of a current or former employee or contractor, to enable it to administer employment or engagement, comply with taxation and other legislative requirements, and to monitor compliance with Ropes that Rescue policies and practices.  

In the event that sensitive information is collected by Ropes that Rescue, it will not be used for any purpose without the express permission of the individual.  

Ropes that Rescue may need to give personal information to other organisations to comply with its legal obligations, such as auditors, legal advisers and the Australian Taxation Office.


5.2 Storage and Retention of Personal Information

Ropes that Rescue will take reasonable steps to protect personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.  This requires specific information and records to be kept in a secure, locked location.  Information and records may be stored in hardcopy and/or electronically.

It is the responsibility of Ropes that Rescue employees who collect, use, disclose, store, access and correct personal data and records to ensure security of personal information.

Where information held by Ropes that Rescue is no longer required to be held, and the retention is not required by law, then Ropes that Rescue will destroy such personal information by a secure means.


5.3 Accessing Personal Information

An individual may contact Ropes that Rescue if they wish to change personal information that is out of date or inaccurate.

Ropes that Rescue will make available for inspection all personal information that it holds in relation to an individual, based on the information supplied by the individual, provided reasonable notice is given.  In the event that any part of the personal information that the individual inspects is determined to be incorrect and requires alteration, then Ropes that Rescue will make such alteration in compliance with the corrected advice given by the individual.


5.4 Disclosure of Information to Third Parties

All external enquiries on employment or remuneration details should be directed to either Payroll & Employee Records or Human Resources.  No employment or remuneration related information will be given before the bona fides of the inquirer and their reason for seeking such information is established, and permission to divulge such information is obtained from the person to whom the information relates.  

An exception to this applies where Ropes that Rescue are obliged at law to disclose information.


5.5 Compliance

If an individual has any concerns regarding the privacy of personal information, then the individual may make a complaint to a Senior HR Adviser or Manager HR & Training Services who will then endeavour to resolve the complaint.


5.6 Consequences of Not Providing Personal Information

If an individual does not provide the personal information Ropes that Rescue seeks from an applicant or referee, the application may not be able to be processed.

If Ropes that Rescue does not obtain the personal information it seeks from an employee or contractor, the individual’s employment or engagement may not be able to be managed or administered.


5.7 Exemptions

The Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 exempts employee records where the information relates directly to the employment relationship.


6. Responsibilities

Leaders/Employees: Compliance with the above policy.  To refer any complaints for breaches of the policy to Human Resources for investigation.