
RTR Staff & Instructors

President RTR - Administration & Registration (Jayne)
Vice President RTR - Senior Instructor USA (Reed)
Jayne & Reed Thorne

Senior Instructor Australia Len Batley

Lead & Assistant Instructors USA
Steve Crandall
Michael DeCraene
Mike Green
Dave Van Holstyn
Matt Karas
Del Miller
Keith Thorne

Lead & Assistant Instructors Australia Joel Graham

JAYNE THORNE, President/Administration RTR
Occupation: Part Time Nursing - RTR Registration and Administration
Living with husband, Reed, in Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona USA

REED THORNE, Vice President, Senior Instructor RTR USA
Occupation: Full time rescue/rigging instructor - Semi-retired mason
Living with wife, Jayne, in Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona USA

  • About Reed Thorne

    Reed Thorne Vice President RopesthatRescueReed Thorne has been involved in the teaching of techniques relative to the 'vertical realm' since the early 1970's. In Southern California, his first activities dealing with rope were with the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter (Orange County Group) where Reed became a Hundred Peak, Rock Climbing and Mountaineering Section leader through training with the Sierra Club's Leadership Section. He eventually moved into rope rescue instruction under nationally-recognized US National Park SAR ranger, Butch Farabee, at the Grand Canyon in Arizona between the years of 1981 and 1986. Butch is credited with having shaped Reed's early years as a rope instructor.

    In 1989, Reed was also instrumental in the preliminary testing of belay techniques alongside John Dill of Yosemite SAR and Arnör Larson of the British Columbia Council of Technical Rescue in BC, Canada. These tests still remain some of the most extensive ever attempted by a volunteer team of lay-researchers, the results of which were published in Response Magazine in the highly acclaimed 1990 article "Are You Really On Belay?" by John Dill. Many of Reed's hand-drawn illustrations accompanied this article.

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  • About Jayne Thorne

    Jayne Thorne President RopesthatRescueJayne Thorne is the president of Ropes That Rescue Limited in Northern Arizona. She has a number of administrative duties at the company and is still involved with a long career in nursing. After several years working in critical care and radiology, she finally "retired" to a job at the hospital which she just loves: Cardiac Rehabilitation or Cardiac Rehab which is only a part time job for Jayne who must juggle responsibilities with RTR. 

    Jayne has accompanied Reed on several of his training excursions around the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. Jayne loves to travel to France and is currently learning the language. 

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LEN BATLEY, Australia Senior Instructor
Adelaide, South Australia AU

Occupation: Station Officer - South Australia Metro Fire Brigade (SAMFS)

    Len Batley during the Structural Tower Rescue Workshop in Adelaide, South Australia in 2008. "Ruggedly good looking"

    Len Batley is a Fire Officer with the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service, in Adelaide, South Australia. He has over 30 years experience in Emergency Services specializing in Technical Rescue. Len has achieved instructor status with many emergency services Australia wide as well as holding many international qualifications. During his time in the Fire Service he started and coordinated the rope rescue program expanding in to other areas of technical rescue. This involved the initial implementation and training of instructors, and the control of quality standards through all shifts and departments of the Fire Service.

    In 1998 Len was awarded the prestigious Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship. This opportunity enabled Len to study technical rescue with emergency organizations in Canada, United States, Sweden, United Kingdom and Singapore for six months. Utilizing his knowledge gained locally and internationally Len has set up a training company (Fire & Rescue Australia). Fire & Rescue Australia specializes in teaching ongoing training to corporations, emergency services members and individuals. Participants frequently describe Len's courses as "the most intensive, enjoyable learning experience in Australia for rescuers". Len is privileged to be working with Ropes that Rescue and hopes he may be able learn from Reed and other members and to share his knowledge with rescuers all over the world.

  • LEN BATLEY Photos

    Len Batley

    Len standing above Utah's Escalante River near Death Box Hollow during the 2002 Canyon Rescue Workshop and Skunk Camp

MIKE GREEN, Lead Instructor
New Windsor, Maryland USA
Occupation: Station Commander - Montgomery County Fire and Rescue


    Mike Green Ropes that Rescue InstructorMike Green is a Captain with the Montgomery County (Maryland) Fire and Rescue Department where he is currently the Station Commander of Fire Station 29. This station is one of two technical rescue stations, and houses the heavy rescue unit he rides and helped his department design.  He is also a member of Maryland Task Force 1, a FEMA US&R Team, where he serves as the Assistant Rescue Team Manager.  Although involved with many disciplines of technical rescue, Mike enjoys technical rope rescue very much.  He has taught thousands of hours of technical rescue courses for his own department and technical rescue team, the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute, FEMA’s US&R program, and at other venues.  Prior to becoming an official instructor for RTR, he acted as an assistant in a number of courses.  He credits much of his success in rope rescue to Reed Thorne, owner of RTR, and also Kirk Mauthner (of British Columbia), both of whom he has studied extensively with over the past 25+ years.

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  • MIKE GREEN Photos

    Mike climbing Mt. Athabasca BC and, below, on North Star Peak BC during RIGGING FOR RESCUE course with Kirk Mauthner 2003. Notice the AZTEK kit on Mike's side!

MATT KARAS, Assistant Instructor
Frederick County, Maryland USA
Matt is currently the assistant team leader and training coordinator for Frederick Counties Technical Rescue Team

  • Matt Karas

    Karas1Matt Karas at the Frederick Watershed, Maryland teaching the Team Skills Rescue Workshop with Lead Instructor, Mike Green in 2020"

    Matt Karas is a Lieutenant with Frederick County, Maryland Fire and Rescue where he is assigned to Station 3 in downtown Frederick. He is currently the assistant team leader and training coordinator for Frederick Counties Technical Rescue Team, which provides all disciplines of technical rescue response. Matt is also a fire academy instructor, Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute rescue instructor, and SPRAT rope access technician. He is the lead instructor for many of Frederick’s Rope Rescue Technician classes and has taught hundreds of hours of other rescue courses.

    Although involved in all aspects of technical rescue, Matt enjoys rope rescue the most. That is a good thing. He took his first RTR workshop in 2015 and has been hooked ever since. Since then, he has taken 10 plus RTR courses. He has had the pleasure of learning from numerous RTR lead and assistant instructors. Matt functioned as the “hey, go double check that rigging” guy numerous times before officially being asked to join as an RTR assistant instructor late in 2020. Matt taught his first RTR course with Mike Green in fall 2020.

  • Matt Karas Photos

    Matt Karas

    Matt (center) as Rescue 3 Chauffeur, second alarm fire Brunswick MD

    Fishing in Marathon FL, 43 pound Permit

    Fishing in Marathon FL, 43 pound Permit

STEVE CRANDALL, Assistant Instructor
Captain and team coordinator
Salt Lake City Fire Department Heavy Rescue Team
Occupation: Fireman

  • Steve Crandall

    Steve Crandall, captain and team coordinator, Salt Lake City Fire Department

    Steve Crandall took his first climbing course at age 14 in the summer of 1978 and has been on rope ever since. Three years later, he was suddenly and unceremoniously introduced into the world of rope rescue as he performed his first pickoff rescue of an entangled rappeller while climbing at the local crag in Utah where he lives. While working on his degree in Outdoor Leadership, he volunteered for the local backcountry SAR team, eventually becoming training officer and team leader of the mountain rescue group. He also discovered his love for teaching during this time as he moonlighted as an ice climbing instructor and guide, and worked part-time then eventually full-time after graduation as an adjunct faculty member in the university’s Outdoor Program teaching rock climbing, winter camping, backpacking, wilderness survival, and leading groups into Utah’s backcountry.

  • Steve Crandall Photos

    Steve Crandall Photos

    Steve Crandall at a Ropes That Rescue workshop in Sedona in 2009.

     Steve is an avid ice climber and takes his son, Conor, out regularly for the thrill.

     Rock Exotia Tactical Poster with Steve.

     Steve in Salt lake City on a tower crane. 

    Easy alpine day on a Utah snow shute with his son Conor. 

    In Zion aid climbing on "Space Shot" a technical route by all means. 

DAVE VAN HOLSTYN, Lead Instructor
Grand Rapids, Michigan USA
Occupation: Lieutenant - Grand Rapids Fire Department (retired)



    Dave Van Holstyn began his formal technical rescue training in 1993 as a charter member of the GRFD confined space rescue team, but his exposure to working at heights started in high school while doing work on communications towers. Dave is a team leader for the West Michigan Regional Collapse Rescue Team and as a state certified instructor is active in teaching structural collapse rescue, however rope rescue remains his specialty. He has conducted countless classes, not only for fire departments in Michigan, but also for industrial rescuers in a dozen states and Canada. Dave has made several presentations at the Fire Department Instructors Conference in Indianapolis and is also one of their Hands-On Instructors. Dave was involved in the development of programs on firefighter survival, rapid intervention teams, and most recently industrial extrication.

    "I think what attracted me to the fire service was the challenge of being called to the worst of situations with the expectation that we will solve the problem. And we do. We have to. There isn't anyone else".

    Technical rescue incidents present some of the most challenging of those incidents.

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    VH1 during the Structural Tower Rescue Workshop in Michigan n 2008.


    VH1 attands a ltter in his fire department's training in 2002.

    VH1 helps practitioners in 2006 Indianapolis Industrial Rescue Workshop above water filled spillway

 KEITH THORNE, Lead Instructor Tree Rescue Workshop-Firefighter
Flagstaff, Arizona USA
Occupation: Arborist with Mick's Tree Service (Flagstaff) and L3 SPRAT with Abseilon Inc. (Phoenix)

  • Keith Thorne

    Keith Thorne is Reed and Jayne Thorne's middle son (born 1990). He is a regular assistant co-instructor with his father, Reed, and travels extensively around the United States, Canada, Australia, England/Scotland, Japan and anyplace else were he can assist in rope rescue or rigging classes for Ropes That Rescue. Known as a true critical thinker, he prides his ability to think outside the box with the students. Keith is a regular co-instructor along with his brother, Luke. The two boys love teaching rigging at RTR programs and  regularly accompany each other in climbing, mountain biking, camping, hiking and anything to do with the backcountry. Keith has taken up the guitar and loves reading as a pastime. He and sister, Arianna Rose (born 1993), also enjoy acro yoga (acrobatic yoga) whenever they are together. He also loves working out with weights, resistance bands and in a devotee to the P90X regimen.

    Professional Accomplishments:
    Keith has also certified as a rope access technician  supervisor Level 3 with the Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians (SPRAT) and has supervised rope access jobs on wind turbines, bridges and hydroelectric dams throughout the USA for Abseilon in Phoenix. Keith has also worked both in Saudi Arabia for Arabian Rope Services and in Queensland, Australia with Rob Stringer and his rope access company, Highpoint Access and Rescue

    In 2020, Keith competed with two friends (Both RTR alumni) in the North American Petzl North American ROPE TRIP in Salt Lake City, Utah where they took first place honors for Abseilon. They were slated to then compete in the 2021 Petzl Rope Trip World Championships in Singapore but that was unfortunately cancelled due to the worldwide pandemic. 

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  • Keith Thorne Photos

    Keith Thorne, Wilson Cutbirth and Greg Fishell winning FIRST PLACE at the 2020 Petzl North American ROPE TRIP in Salt Lake City.
    Keith Thorne working on rope above Pacific Ocean in Queensland Australia for Highpoint Access & Rescue in 2016.
    Keith Thorne working high above the Grand Canyon on the SKYWALK for Abseilon of Phoenix. 

    Keith on the top conductor watching students below during OHRW (Offset Highline Rescue Workshop) in California in 2012.


    Keith Thorne on his first pole climb in Plymouth, MA during NSTAR Utilities program with his father, Reed


    Keith on Mint Jamb at the Overlook in Oak Creek Canyon


    Keith and sister, Arianna Thorne, practice acro yoga (acrobatic yoga) in Yosemite Valley in 2013


    Keith and Bonnie, our family golden retriever.

    Keith in Japanese custom program 2012


 MICHAEL DeCRAENE, Lead Instructor
City of St. Clair Shores, Michigan USA
Occupation: Rescue Squad Officer for both Michigan Task Force 1 and Macomb County Technical Rescue Team

  • Michael DeCraene

    Michael DeCraene 3Michael DeCraene is a Firefighter with the City of St. Clair Shores, a Rescue Squad Officer for both Michigan Task Force 1 and Macomb County Technical Rescue Team. Mike is certified as a fire instructor by the State of Michigan and the Michigan Urban Search And Rescue Training Foundation, holds his SPRAT ticket, and has conducted numerous trainings in multiple fire and rescue disciplines in various states and Canada.

    Mike's interest in rope, knotcraft, and rigging began at a young age as an angler with his father & brother, who are both career firefighters, on Michigan's Great Lakes. Before entering the fire service with the City of Ann Arbor, Mike worked in the outdoor industry at a gear shop outfitting climbers, mountaineers, backpackers, kayakers, and the occasional arborist with tools and equipment. Initially assigned to a Rescue Company with AAFD, he diligently sought out instruction from those with knowledge, skills, and abilities in the technical rescue fields, always enjoying 'on rope' endeavors the most.

    In 2013, then with SCSFD, Mike began to study with RTR under Chief Reed Thorne when he came to Michigan to teach an AHD workshop. This experience opened his eyes to advanced rigging practices and he began to make regular trips to Arizona for classes. It was in 2016 when RTR asked Mike to come on as an Assistant Instructor.

    When asked about the RTR paradigm, Mike replied: "The courses are packed with volumes of information intended to take the rope practitioner to a whole new level of skill and understanding. Through advanced knotcraft, thorough critical analysis training, and loads of practical application, students leave the immersive experience being able to problem solve effectively and engineer systems as team leaders in environments they would have never thought possible."

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  • Michael DeCraene Photos

    Michael DeCraene 1

    Michael DeCraene climbing ice wall.



    Michael DeCraene 3

    Michael DeCraene resuing another fire fighter.


    Michael DeCraene 4

    Michael DeCraene


 DEL MILLER, Assistant Instructor
Lucedale Mississippi USA
Occupation: Shift Foreman and Emergency Response Coordinator at Tate and Lyle Sucralose INC.

  • Del Miller

    Dell Miller 1Del Miller lives in Mississippi with his wife Mary, son Ryan and daughter Morgan. He is a shift foreman for an industrial plant near Mobile, Alabama. He also serves as the facility's Emergency Response Coordinator. He is a certified Industrial Emergency Response Specialist and has been a part of emergency response teams for industry since 1997, working as an industrial firefighter, Hazmat Technician, Emergency Medical Responder and Rope Rescue Technician. He holds National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications for Confined Space Rescue, Rope Rescue, Trench Rescue, Hazmat Technician, Hazmat Incident Command and Vehicle Extrication, but rescue has always been his real passion.

    He has worked as an instructor for several rope rescue programs prior to working for RTR, most notably Texas A&M University's Fire school where he worked full time as a rescue instructor for 3 years. It was there where he reached out to Ropes that Rescue for Professional development training in 2010 on the Arizona Vortex and that has brought him back to RTR for class after class ever year since.

    Del is a SPRAT certified rope access technician who's love for anything having to do with rope and rigging spills over from his career to his personal life. He is an outdoor enthusiast that loves hiking, biking, rock climbing, SCUBA diving, hammock camping, running and triathlons. He loves to teach and says, "there is always more to learn and more people to learn from!"

  • Del Miller Photos

    Del Miller 1

    Rope to rope transfer during a Rope Access Skills Workshop in Jerome, AZ 


    Del Miller 2

    Mountain Rescue Workshop in the Dells with BORSTAR


    Del Miller 3

    Slot Canyon Rescue Workshop in Sedona, AZ


    Del Miller 4

    Personal Skills Rescue Workshop in the Dells with Chandler Fire Department 2014


    Del Miller 5

    Day Hike with Reed and the Pups!


    Del Miller 6

    Del with wife Mary and his two children Ryan and Morgan




JOEL GRAHAM, Assistant Instructor
South Australia
Occupation: Station Officer (Captain) with the South Australian Metro Fire Service (SAMFS)
  • Joel Graham

    Joel GrahamJOEL GRAHAM on duty at SAMFS with daughter Savannah is a Station Officer (Captain) with the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service (SAMFS), South Australian USAR Task Force and SAMFS Vertical Rescue Instructor and SAMFS Technical Rescue Project Officer. Although an instructor in many Technical Rescue disciplines, his passion and specialization lies with Rope and Confined Space Rescue. These qualifications have allowed Joel to teach Fire Service personnel, Emergency Response Teams, Rope Rescue Technicians and Instructors throughout Australia and internationally.

    Joel was indoctrinated into the Ropes That Rescue (RTR) culture by Australian Senior Instructor Len Batley and later mentored by RTR creator and Senior Instructor Reed Thorne. Since 2011 both individuals have educated and influenced Joel’s Rope Rescue career and fueled his desire to keep testing the boundaries and learn more about the ‘art of clean rigging’. Importantly, the skills that Joel has learnt from RTR equip him with the knowledge to efficiently rig for casualty extraction in time critical operational emergencies.

    Joel is a devoted family man but when free time allows he is often found with rope in hand as his ‘down time’ is consumed with canyoneering and rock climbing. He has travelled throughout Australia climbing many remote multi-pitch traditional routes. His most memorable expedition included hiking for two days to trad climb the highest vertical cliff face in Australia, Tasmania’s Frenchman’s Cap.

    Joel loves instructing RTR courses and feels privileged and honored to be part of this highly qualified and motivated team. He believes there is no better way to learn your craft than to teach it to others. Instructing for RTR provides him with an avenue to educate to the ‘highest’ common denominator and meet like-minded rescuers from varied backgrounds. Joel is excited about the next learning opportunity and enjoys sharing his knowledge with fellow rescuers.


  • JOEL GRAHAM Photos

    JOEL GRAHAM Team Skills Rescue Workshop 2011

    JOEL GRAHAM Team Skills Rescue Workshop 2011

    JOEL GRAHAM on duty at SAMFS with daughter Savannah

    JOEL GRAHAM on duty at SAMFS with daughter Savannah

    JOEL GRAHAM Addicted to this type of crack Blue Mountains Australia

    JOEL GRAHAM Addicted to this type of crack Blue Mountains Australia
